Black to Back: A Comparison of our Black Leathers

One of the most common questions we are asked is how our different black leathers compare to each other, both new and worn.

Scroll down to check out a back to back comparison of each of our black leathers against the others:

Black Shrunken Bison vs. Black Teacore
Black Shrunken Bison vs. Black Waxed Flesh
Black Shrunken Bison vs. Black Oiled Rough Out
Black Teacore vs. Black Oiled Rough Out
Black Waxed Flesh vs. Black Teacore
Black Waxed Flesh vs. Black Oiled Rough Out

How do the boots look worn in?

Black Shrunken Bison (coming soon!)
Black Waxed Flesh
Black Teacore
Black Oiled Rough Out (coming soon!)

How does Black Shrunken Bison Compare to Black Teacore Leather?
how does black shrunken bison compare to black teacore leather

How does Black Shrunken Bison Compare to Black Waxed Flesh Leather?
how does black shrunken bison compare to black waxed flesh leather?

How does Black Shrunken Bison compare to Black Oiled Rough Out leather?
how does black shrunken bison compare to black oiled rough out leather?

How does Black Teacore compare to Black Oiled Rough Out leather?
how does black teacore compare to black oiled rough out leather?

How does Black Waxed Flesh compare to Black Teacore leather?
how does black waxed flesh compare to black teacore leather?

How does Black Waxed Flesh compare to Black Oiled Rough Out leather?
how does black waxed flesh compare to black oiled rough out?

Worn in Black Teacore Boots
pair of truman boots in black teacore worn in with heavy patina

Worn in Black Waxed Flesh Boots
worn in pair of truman boots in black waxed flesh leather, heavy patina

1 comment

  • Lee Hemenway

    I love the look of the black teacore leather! Please restock soon!

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